Thursday, July 3, 2008

Healing Slowly

I am trying to survive today without the shoulder immobilizer and without the vicodin, but still taking huge doses of ibuprofen. My bruises have all come out and they are a landscape of intricate color variations. I am still a little fuzzy from the accident and still don't remember it. Now I have to start thinking about the fallout.
Financially so far, I have had to pay my emergency room copay and pay for my prescriptions. I still have to pay for my scooter to get out of impound and I will probably have some kind of copay for my follow up with the orthopedic surgeon on tuesday. All of this went on a credit card that I had made good progress in. I am pulling money from my small emergency fund to cover these costs and pay back that card. Honestly, though, this would have been so much worse if I didn't have health insurance. I will also have to buy a new helmet, and I will probably go for a slightly different model. I would like a helmet like thisMy helmet was completely destroyed in the accident, and although it saved my life, the graze on my neck that hurts so much would probably have been prevented if I had a modular helmet.
I should be able to write more and more each day as my body gets stronger.

1 comment:

My Vision said...

Wow you've been through a lot! I feel for you. Yes, it could have been worse, the wonderful thing is you are okay.
Saw you on Blogging Idol. Good luck to you.